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WIN $250! Spotify vs. Pandora

  10 minute read: The question isn’t whether or not your brand should be doing audio ads, but HOW & WHERE. In terms of cost, functionality, and convenience, which platform – Spotify or Pandora – aligns best w/ your company’s needs? Keep reading to find out!   There is untapped marketing potential in the music streaming world.  Specifically, a debate has sparked up in the past few years about streaming services like Pandora and Spotify and the breeding ground they offer for digital audio advertisements.  Consumers spend two-thirds of their digital media minutes on mobile devices, and “digital radio” (e.g. music streaming, podcasts, satellite radio, etc.) accounts for 15% of this fraction, according to the  Mobile Marketer .  Especially considering that less than 10% of U.S. adults are willing to pay for their audio entertainment, the advertising opportunities in this realm are a marketer’s dream.  However, just because there is an abundance of potential for audio advertisements does

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WIN $250! McDonalds vs Burger King

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